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Sulfur intake in a healthy diet

In order to manufacture many of the proteins in the body, sulfur must be present. Sulfur has the main role in this proteins of helping to form the hair, muscles and skin as well as working to contribute to fat digestion and absorption by the body. It is also a component of the bone tissue as well as teeth and collagen, making it a mineral that you really cannot do without.

Sulfur is also part of the hormone insulin, which plays an important role in the regulation of blood sugar levels. If someone is having difficulty with their insulin levels, this could lead to very high blood sugar or very low blood sugar. Such examples are usually present in those with diabetes. Most individuals who are wishing to supplement with this mineral, will do so by taking a methylsufonylmethane (MSM) product as it occurs naturally here.

If you wish to get it through your diet, you'll find it in the highest concentrations in protein rich foods such as red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, beans as well as dairy products. It's also present in garlic so adding some of this spice to your foods might be a good option as well.

Those who usually are deficient in this mineral are individuals who are not eating a protein-rich diet so it is really quite easy to correct the problem. As long as you aim to get in some source of protein with each meal, you should do relatively well at meeting your needs.